IGI - International Gemological Institute


The International Gemological Institute, or IGI, is a leading independent gemological laboratory and educational institution that is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable grading and certification services for diamonds, coloured gemstones, and jewellery. Founded in Antwerp, Belgium in 1975, IGI has grown to become one of the largest and most respected gemological organizations in the world, with offices and laboratories in major cities around the globe.

IGI’s mission is to provide reliable and objective grading and certification services that help consumers and industry professionals make informed decisions about the quality and value of gemstones and jewellery. To achieve this goal, the organization employs a team of highly trained gemologists and uses state-of-the-art equipment and technology to accurately assess the characteristics of each gemstone and piece of jewellery it evaluates.

One of the most well-known services offered by IGI is its diamond grading and certification service, which is recognized worldwide for its accuracy and consistency. IGI’s diamond grading reports provide a detailed assessment of each diamond’s quality based on the 4Cs – carat weight, colour, clarity, and cut – as well as other important characteristics such as fluorescence and symmetry.

In addition to its diamond grading services, IGI also offers grading and certification services for coloured gemstones and pearls, as well as jewellery appraisal services. Its team of expert gemologists is highly respected in the industry for their expertise and knowledge, and the organization is trusted by consumers, retailers, and industry professionals around the world.

Another important aspect of IGI’s work is its commitment to education and research. The organization offers a range of educational programs and courses in gemmology, jewellery design, and appraising, as well as online resources and publications for industry professionals and consumers. IGI also conducts research and development projects in partnership with industry stakeholders, with the goal of advancing the field of gemmology and promoting ethical and sustainable practices within the industry.

Overall, the International Gemological Institute is an important player in the global gemstone industry, providing vital services for consumers and industry professionals alike. Its commitment to accuracy, reliability, and ethical practices has earned it a reputation as one of the most trusted and respected organizations in the industry, and its work in education and research is helping to advance the field of gemmology and promote best practices within the industry.

Courses offered : GG and DG


Stars :


Gemology Schools Reviews star ratings are based on a compilation of the following criteria:

#1. Diploma recognition in the gem and jewelry trade
#2. Quality of course materials
#3. Instructors and support staff
#4. Classroom study or lack thereof
#5. Cost